Luxury 12 Red Roses Flower Bouquet
A P Flowers Luxury 12 Red Rose bouquet is a beautiful mix of red roses and luxurious flower with a luxurious mix of foliages.
With 12 long stemmed red roses, luxurious flowers such as viburnum, lysianthus or hydrangea and a luxurious mix of foliage including eucalyptus and berries.
Our indulgent luxury flowers offer a scrumptious range of delicate textures layered with decadent tones and will bring a taste of unforgettable luxury to the door.
Handmade with love by one of A P Flowers Florists.
Delivered wrapped in tissue and cellophane with a matching satin bow as a finishing touch.
We have been established since 1976, we are a family run business and all our bouquets are handmade with love.
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