A P Flowers Florist's Choice Seasonal Flower Bouquet, is a beautiful, stunning selection of seasonal flowers and pastel colours.
A beautiful mix of flowers, from Roses, Carnations, Gerbera, Chrysanthemum, Alstroemeria, Lysianthus, Waxflower, Lily, Astrantia, Hydrangea and other quality flower.
A P Flowers bouquets are individually picked and hand arranged by our expert florist. Just for you so no two bouquets are the same. Making this luxurious flower bouquet unique and suitable for any occasion.
We have been established since 1976, we are a family run business and all our bouquets are handmade with love.
(Size in photograph: Extra Large)
Please note: over Valentines the colours will not include Reds/Whites/Pink. Please order a Valentines Bouquet for those colours.