Florist Choice Valentines Bouquet

Our Valentines Day florist choice flower bouquet, includes a mix of Red, Pink and White seasonal flowers.
A beautiful selection of flowers, from Roses, Chrysanthemums, Carnations, Gerbera, Lysianthus, Waxflower, Lily, Astrantia, Hydrangea and other quality flower in the specified colours.
It is the perfect way to surprise a loved one!
Why not let our expert florist pick the flowers for you to go in your bouquet, making a stunning arrangement that's also unique. 
Handmade with love by one of our A P Flowers Florists.
Delivered wrapped in cellophane with a matching satin bow.
(Size in photograph: Large)
We have been established since 1976, we are a family run business and all are bouquets our handmade with love.

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